Self Nouveau
The Power of Good Morning
Welcome to the Power of Good Morning

Welcome to the Power of Good Morning

Episode #1

Good morning and welcome, to The Power of Good Morning! Hosted and produced by Self Nouveau.

I am absolutely thrilled to have you here for this very first episode. Picture this as a gentle nudge—a chance for us to begin our day together, with just five minutes dedicated to bringing a sense of calm, connection, and a little sprinkle of purpose into your morning routine.

Now, what is this all about? Well, it’s not rocket science, but it’s pretty powerful in its simplicity. Each day, I’ll be here, ready with a short, thoughtful message—a pause, if you will. A chance to reset, breathe, and get your head in the game before the rest of the world starts calling for your attention.

Think of it like this: a friendly 'good morning' from me to you, as we set a positive tone for your day. Just five minutes. You, me, and a little reflection to start your day with intention. But I’m not stopping at that, because there’s a bit more up my sleeve…

Let me introduce you to a concept I’m calling the Good Morning Partner—or GMP for short. It’s as simple as it sounds: you find someone, perhaps a friend, or someone you connect with through this podcast, and you exchange a daily 'good morning' message. That’s it. Nothing too elaborate.

But let me tell you, that small gesture—a 'good morning' ping from someone—can work wonders. Why? Science! Yes, we’re diving into that for a moment. Research has shown that even brief, positive social interactions, like exchanging a 'good morning', release oxytocin—the hormone that helps us bond with others. It lowers stress, makes us feel connected, and even helps to ward off feelings of loneliness. And here’s the kicker: when you know someone is expecting that message from you each morning, it creates a little sense of accountability, a shared purpose, and a reason to check in.

It’s no longer just about you, it’s about showing up for someone else too. And, just in case you think I’m going all fuzzy and feel-good on you, let’s be clear—this is backed by some solid research. The World Economic Forum has pointed out how critical these small, authentic moments of connection are, especially in a world where we might be endlessly scrolling through social media but still feeling oddly disconnected.

These little human interactions, no matter how brief, help tether us to one another and ground us. By tuning in, you’re already part of this connection—your daily 'good morning' from me is a start. But if you’re up for it, why not go a step further and try the GMP program?

You could head to the comments or chat and either offer to be a Good Morning Partner or find someone who’s looking for one. It’s simple, but these little acts of kindness can truly bring a sense of meaning to your mornings. And hey, if you’re not ready just yet, no worries. You’re already doing something wonderful by being here with me, sharing this moment.

Every day, I’ll be right here with a new episode to help you kickstart the day. So, that’s the plan, my friends. Together, we’ll make this a morning ritual that feels good, not just for you, but for the broader community too.

Whether you find a GMP or simply tune in each morning, The Power of Good Morning is here to lift your spirits and help set your day on the right path. I’ll see you tomorrow for our next episode.

Check our website at or sign up to our Substack. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook and X. Until then, my friends, good morning!

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Self Nouveau
The Power of Good Morning
The Power of Good Morning is a podcast that highlights the mental health benefits of simple daily connections. Hosted by The Abstract Mind, this show dives into the powerful impact of saying "good morning" and how a simple, kind gesture can combat loneliness, foster human connection, and start each day with positivity.
But it doesn't stop there—this podcast is more than just about listening; it’s about action. We invite you to be part of our community by connecting with someone for daily "good morning" messages. Whether you're feeling isolated or just want to spread some kindness, this simple habit can improve your mental health and that of someone else. Listen in, get inspired, and join us in building a world of better mornings, one connection at a time.